The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the federal law governing special education, lists parents first on the list of required members of a student’s IEP team. Parents play an important role in decisions about where and how the child will be taught. Parents’ input is important throughout the IEP process. This starts with the student’s first evaluation and continues right through to the transition plan in  the high school IEP. 

​It is important for students who are deaf-blind with multiple disabilities to have the disability of deaf-blindness included on their IEPs so that goals, adaptations, supports, services provided, and placement issues address the student’s unique needs. 

​Formal and informal evaluations are needed to identify a child’s needs and strengths. This information is the base for future directions of the IEP goals and objectives. The following resources offer guidance and consideration in developing an IEP for a student who is deaf-blind.